Your One-Liner Goes Here

Tag-Line describing what you do so that you pass the grunt test.
Background picture or video of happy people enjoying your product or service.

This is where you can hook the browser with the external and internal problem.

Here is where you talk about the solution you offer. We usually just take the elevator pitch and put it in this section.

Headline To Introduce the Benefits Of The Business

Benefit #1

What The Hero Gets
A brief explanation taking up no more than two or three lines.

Benefit #2

What The Hero Gets
A brief explanation taking up no more than two or three lines.

Benefit #3

What The Hero Gets
A brief explanation taking up no more than two or three lines.

This Is The Place To Introduce Your Business As The Guide

Picture Of Either Logo or Team

We understand how important it is for a guide to have both empathy and authority. These are the two components that create trust in the hearts and minds of the buyer.

This is the section where you want to identify with the potential client’s pain, struggle or frustration using words like “know” and “understand.” Empathy goes a long way.

But you don’t just want to connect with empathy. You also need authority. It’s ok to talk about some significant accomplishments or experience here (as long as it is relevant to establishing trust – no high school sports awards you’re still proud of).

Remember, as a guide, it’s ok to talk about yourself. Just the stuff that establishes trust.

(Company Name) Is Trusted By:

Add testimonial description here. Edit and place your own text.

John Doe


Add testimonial description here. Edit and place your own text.

John Doe


Add testimonial description here. Edit and place your own text.

John Doe


Headline To Set Up Your Value Stack

Transitional Call To Action

What Do You Have To Offer That Solves A Problem?

It could be a PDF, webinar, course, sample or anything. Offer it here. Don’t have a transitional CTA? No problem, just delete this block.

Here’s How We Get You To The Picture Of Success In The Brandscript

Your Call To Action

Whatever the first step in the hero’s journey is, explain it here.

Create A Plan

We are guessing here but the second step is usually something like that.

Get To The End

Whatever success looks like, you want to talk about it here.

Picture of someone stressed out, feeling frustrated with their current problem

Here is a good spot to draw from the failure bucket of your BrandScript

Call to action and then talk about the transformation you offer.

This is the junk drawer section.

Where we put address, contact information, copyright info, and a sitemap.

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